The School Day

The school day runs from 8:40am to 3:10pm each weekday and the school is open for 32.5 hours per week.

A before and after-school club is available for parents who need wraparound care.

We encourage the children to walk independently into school from Glynrosa Road gate. 

They should go directly into their classrooms when they arrive at school.

A member of staff is on duty at Glynrosa gate from 8.25am.

The school day begins properly at 8:40am. Registration closes at 8.50 – any pupils arriving between 8.40 and 8.50 are marked in the register as late.

Arrivals after 8:50 are considered absent and marked as unauthorised if no notification is received from parents.

Please phone if your child is ill, or email in advance if they have an appointment.

The office team will follow up any child absent for registration for which the school has no notification

We have three or four lessons in the morning, two before break.

Mid-morning break is from 10.45 to 11:00.

We have a ‘healthy snack only’ policy at break time. Children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit to eat as a snack.

Before lunch we have a whole school assembly every day except Friday. On Friday assembly is around 2.45 and is our reward assembly to end the week, as a celebration of success.

Lunch is from 12.20 to 1.20 and is supervised by our lunchtime staff.

Children can either bring a packed lunch (eaten outside when the weather is fine) or they can go to Balcarras for a hot meal, accompanied by CKJS staff. There are 3 choices of main course – a meat option, a vegetarian option or a jacket potato with a choice of topping and a dessert included in the price (free if entitled to free school meals).

Payments are made online via our ParentPay system.

We have 2 lessons during the afternoon. A bell is rung at 3.10 to signal the end of the school day. Children leave at this time to their arranged collection point, or to attend one of our many after-school clubs (see ‘clubs’ information).