Helping with Maths
Click here to see the presentation from the recent maths information evening for parents.
Below, you will find useful links and activities to help you to support your child with their Maths:
Calculation Methods
Our school calculation policy sets out the methods and layout used for different types of calculation taught at CKJS. Please click on the calculation type to see the poster for that operation which is displayed in your child's classroom.
We also have some more detailed information about how we teach the written method for each arithmetical calculation type:
Your child's Maths homework will often include calculation practice so that they become increasingly fluent when using these methods. There are many websites which provide worksheets for further practice, although please make sure that your child uses the calculation method used at CKJS when answering them.
Times Tables
At CKJS we believe that times tables knowledge is an essential part of Maths. We use Times Tables Rockstars as a fun and rewarding way for children to learn them.
Ideally, you should be practising times tables with your child daily until they can instantly recall all multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12. This doesn’t mean that you need to be setting your child lots of written worksheets!
Learning times tables with your child could include:
Chanting a new times table aloud, for example as you walk to school or climb the stairs. | |
Singing times table songs, which can be combined with actions, for example BBC Super Movers. | |
Asking your child a few times table questions at odd times of the day, especially any that they find hard to remember. | |
Throwing one or two dice, and multiplying the number shown by the times table your child is learning. | |
Using a deck of playing cards, turning over a card and multiplying the number shown (use the picture cards as 11,12 and 0) by the times table. |
Another useful app for developing fluency in maths from early numeracy through to mixed tables and division is 'One Minute Maths' from the White Rose Mathshub. This can be downloaded for free to your phone and is a great way for your child to practise their number-bonds and mental maths whilst you have a spare minute or two. can be used for further interactive Maths practice. Please contact your child's teacher if you require the username or password for access.
Below are some more websites that will give ideas about great ways you can keep your mathematical skills sharp with plenty of games where you can continue practising them.
As well as practising your times tables at Times Tables Rockstars, you can also now keep practising your addition, subtraction and number bonds over at NumBots:
You can explore a huge range of maths resources and collections to develop your mathematical skills here:
There are some good mathematical problems here:
Premier League Primary Stars: Solve, Shoot Score
Try this great new game featuring Premier League footballers. Rise through the levels to prove your skills as a spelling and maths superstar.
Please note, CKJS is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.